Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cat shopping ahoy!

Let's start this cat blog out by jumping into the deep end. I am, of course, referring to the...


Yes, let us explore the world of cat merchandise together! Here is all you need to express your own cat-love, pamper your kitten, or give your crazy Aunt Sally (who begins every family meeting by telling you how Mr. McFluffer's hairball disorder is fairing).

I think I might have to break this into different posts, so let's begin by posting a little something for the ladies...

I like to express my cat-love in elegant, understated ways. Via BurgerAndFriends on etsy.

I'd love to take these naughty kitties out for a night on the town. I bet they could find all kinds of trouble...
Via thetinybird on etsy

Sometimes when I'm at home alone I like to wrap one of my cats around my shoulders and pretend that I'm a fancy lady going to the opera. That doesn't fly in public. Via prototypedesign on etsy.

This kitty will totally keep an eye out for anyone trying to grub your stuff.
Via mochikaka on etsy. 

I <3 Pusheen and Pusheen <3 cheezburgers. Via Hey Chickadee

Believe it or not I do actually have a human boyfriend but even he will admit this is more true than not.
Via Dentzdesign on etsy.